Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2022

1930 AD to 1939 AD

 1930 AD to 1939 AD: After the Depression and before WWII  (there is more info about the 1930s at 1490 to 1930) 

1930 AD: North America: Many people in general began to see the ancient mounds as interesting and perhaps valuable.

1930s AD:, USA: During the 1930s Congress enacted Neutrality Laws to prevent American business from dragging the country into another war.

1930 AD: North America: Many people in general began to see the ancient mounds and earthworks as important and worth protecting as part of our own history and that of those who came before us.

1930 AD: North America: Many people in general began to see the ancient mounds as interesting and perhaps valuable.

1930s AD:, USA: During the 1930s Congress enacted Neutrality Laws to prevent American business from dragging the country into another war.

~ People in general began to see National Parks in the U.S.A. as important and worth protecting.

~ January 5th, Russia: Stalin announces that all farms must be collective by 1932.

~ January 17th, US: President Hoover signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, raising tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff war.
~ USA: Dr Jung's help to an alcoholic later seemed a first step in the formation of AA.

1931 AD, United States of America: Continue banana Wars.
~ August, USA: The Airline Pilots Association was founded.

1932 AD, Japan: Toward war. By this time the Japanese civilian government had lost power to control the military.

~ US Banana Wars to 1934.
1932 AD: De Valera elected in Ireland.
~ January 17th President Hoover of the U.S. signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act raising U.S. tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff 'war."
~ USA: Wisconsin became the first state to pass an unemployment compensation act.  



1933 AD to 1945 AD, Germany: The Third Reich, Nazi Germany, was led by Adolf Hitler. Hitler rose to power through the National Socialist Workers Party and became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Germany's borders had been determined by the Treaty of Versailles, which greatly contribute Germany's economic problems.

~ USA: 5,ooo Cotton pickers in Concoran, California strock, two are killed. I believe it was a sit-down type of strike, but picking cotton there is no place to sit.
~ October, USA: 75,000 miners in Pennsylvania struck.
~ to 1937 AD, Russia: Duration of the second USSR Five-year Plan.

1934 AD, August, USA: 500,000 textile workers struck nationwide.
~ November, USA: Alcoholics Anonymous: Ebby F. tells Bill his story.
~ USA: Bloody Thursday. Two Longshoremen killed in San Francisco, California.
~ May 16th, USA: Teamsters strock for recognition in Minnesota.
~ May 9th, USA: Longshoremen launched a general strike on the West Coast.
~ July 16th through 19th, USA: San Francisco, California there occurred a general strike of 127,000 workers.

1935 AD to 1940 AD, US: The only time the U.S.A. went more than a year without war was during this "isolationist" period in the Great Depression.
~ Mussolini of Italy launched an in invasion of  Ethiopia. The Italians merged Eritrea, Somalia, and Ethiopia into one colony.
~ 1940 AD: This is the only time the US has gone this long without warring. USA: This is the only time so far, that we have gone without warring.
~ USA: The CIO was formed with AF of L to promote industrial unionism.
~ USA: The National Labor Relation Act took effect. Let's find out about the effect of that Act.
~ USA: The Wilderness Society was founded and produced the first draft of a wilderness act.
~ August, USA: The Social Security Act signed by F. D.R., Theodor Delano Roosevelt.
~ August, USA: The United Auto Workers, UAW, charted by the Af of L as an international union.
~ USA: Labor Day Hurricane winds surpass 200 miles an hour. People exposed were sandblasted to death.

1936 AD, January 29th, USA: The National Union of Rubber Workers was established.
~ July 2nd, USA: UAW, United Automobile Workers, joins the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
~ November, USA: The first sitdown strike by Auto Workers starts in South Bend Indiana.
~ December. USA: The UAW sitdown strike is on.
~ The Spanish Civil War begins. Viva Valencia. Viva la Republica. Franco was revolting/


1937 AD: On September 17th of this year Richard Carroll Sheehan was born the first child of Dorothy Cecilia and Carroll J. Sheehan. His birth was followed by that of his sister Geraldine(Gerry), and his brothers Robert J, Gary M, and Dorian N Sheehan.
~ On December 29th the Irish Free State became Eire, the Republic of Ireland. DeLavera(Remind of the song "The Irish Washer-woman!") became the first prime minister of the Republic. My sister, Gerry, was born the next day.
~ John A Brennan, Jr. was born on December the 11th. He was the first son of my paternal grandmother and her second husband.
~ In September the Munich Pact was singed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlin, and by Eduard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
~ On September 29th R. R. Woodham was born a Son of the South in the great state of Mississippi.
~ In November the CIO split from the AFL.
~ Japanese installed a "puppet government" in Nanking, China, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow, China.
~ The Vanquished by William Faulkner was published.
~ "Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education by by John Dewey was published.
~ General Anthropology by Franz Boas published.
~ Frank Lloyd Wright "built" Taliesin West in Phoenix, Arizona.
~ The film "Pygmalion" was show by Leslie Howard.
~ Popular songs were: September Song, Flat Foot Floogie(Floozy) With a Floy, Floy, You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby(... just look at you now").
~ USA: the average cost of a new house was about $3,700 dollars.
~ USA: Benny Goodman's band brought a new style of jazz to popularity.
~ US: cost of gas was about 10 cents a gallon. Do you remember what a cent sign looks like?
~ US: The 40 hour work week was established after much effort by the union movement.
~ US: Average wage per year was about $1,720.
~ Al Moen is credited with the design for a double-valve faucet with a cam to control the two valves that he made. He refined the design into a cylinder with piston action. We are talking toilets.
~ USA: Richard Carroll Sheehan: I was born on the 17th of September in Michigan.

~ Ireland: On December 29th the Irish Free State Eire, the Republic of Ireland! De Lavera became the first Prime Minister.

~ USA: John A. Brennan, Jr. was born on December 11th.

~ September: The Munich Pact was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Eduard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

~ On September 29th R.R. Woodham was born a son of the deep South and at this writing is very much alive in the great state of Mississippi.

~November: CIO split from AFL.

~ Japanese installed Chinese puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow.

~ William Faulkner's The Vanquished published.

John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education were published.

Frank Lloyd Wright built Taliesin West in Phoenix, Arizona.

~ The film "Pygmalion" was shown. Leslie Howard was a star.

~ US, Pop Song: "You must have been a Beautiful Baby" (...just look at you now)

~ USA: Average cost of a new house was about $3,700.00.

~ Benny Goodman's band brought a new style of jazz to popularity. (Was it Swing?)

~ February: Irish volunteers taken part in the battle of Jarama, of the Spanish Civil War.

~ US, September 17th: Richard Carroll Sheehan was born in Detroit, Michigan.

~ Ireland, December 29th: The Irish Free State became Eire, the Republic of Ireland. De Lavera became the first Prime Minister.

~ US. December 11th: John Brennan Jr. was born.

1937 AD: Al Moen is credited with the design for a double-valve faucet with a cam to control the two valves that he made. He refined the design into a cylinder with piston action. We are talking toilets.

~ USA: Richard Carroll Sheehan: I was born on the 17th of September in Michigan

~ Ireland: On December 29th the Irish Free State Eire, the Republic of Ireland! De Lavera became the first Prime Minister.

~ USA: John A. Brennan, Jr. was born on December 11th.

~ September: The Munich Pact was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Eduard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

~ On September 29th R.R. Woodham was born a son of the deep South and at this writing is very much alive in the great state of Mississippi.

~November: CIO split from AFL.

~ Japanese installed Chinese puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow.

~ William Faulkner's The Vanquished published.

John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education were 

~ Al Moen is credited with the design for a double-valve faucet with a cam to control the two valves that he made. He refined the design into a cylinder with piston action. We are talking toilets.

~ Ireland: On December 29th the Irish Free State Eire, the Republic of Ireland! De Lavera became the first Prime Minister.

~ USA: John A. Brennan, Jr. was born on December 11th.

~ September: The Munich Pact was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Edouard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

~ On September 29th R.R. Woodham was born a son of the deep South and at this writing is very much alive in the great state of Mississippi.

~November: CIO split from AFL.

~ Japanese installed Chinese puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow.

~ William Faulkner's The Vanquished published.

John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education were 

~ Recovery from recession was noted.

~ Italy invades Albania.

1937 AD: Al Moen is credited with the design for a double-valve faucet with a cam to control the two valves that he made. He refined the design into a cylinder with piston action. We are talking toilets.

~ USA: Richard Carroll Sheehan: I was born on the 17th of September in Michigan

~ Ireland: On December 29th the Irish Free State Eire, the Republic of Ireland! De Lavera became the first Prime Minister.

~ USA: John A. Brennan, Jr. was born on December 11th.

~ September: The Munich Pact was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Eduard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

~ On September 29th R.R. Woodham was born a son of the deep South and at this writing is very much alive in the great state of Mississippi.

~November: CIO split from AFL.

~ Japanese installed Chinese puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow.

~ William Faulkner's The Vanquished published.

John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education were 

~ Recovery from recession was noted.

~ Italy invades Albania.

1937 AD: Al Moen is credited with the design for a double-valve faucet with a cam to control the two valves that he made. He refined the design into a cylinder with piston action. We are talking toilets.

~ USA: Richard Carroll Sheehan: I was born on the 17th of September in Michigan

~ Ireland: On December 29th the Irish Free State Eire, the Republic of Ireland! De Lavera became the first Prime Minister.

~ USA: John A. Brennan, Jr. was born on December 11th.

~ September: The Munich Pact was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Eduard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

~ On September 29th R.R. Woodham was born a son of the deep South and at this writing is very much alive in the great state of Mississippi.

~November: CIO split from AFL.

~ Japanese installed Chinese puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow.

~ William Faulkner's The Vanquished published.

John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education were 

~ Recovery from recession was noted.

~ Italy invades Albania.

~ May 30th, USA: Ten strikers were shot by police at Republic Steel in Chicago, IL.

~ January 24th, USA: The UAW organizes the first Aircraft Workers local.
~ February 3rd, USA: Eleanor Jean Farrell was born.
~ February 11th, USA: The UAW wins the first contract with General Motors.
~ March 2nd, USA: The Steelworkers organizing committee wins recognition at U. S. Steel.
~ March 8th, USA: UAW won contracts with Chrysler.
~ April 1st, Aden: The country's first Postage stamps.
~ May 3rd, USA: The Maritime Union of America was founded.
~ June, Earth: The longest solar eclipse in 1,200 years.
~ August, USA: The Appalachian Trail Completed and opened.
~ November 6th, Italy: The country joins Germany and Japan in anti-communist pact.
~ November, America: Dr. Bob and Bill met in Akron, Ohio and counted AA results and find forty cases sober, Success is possible.
~ America: New York AA's separate from Oxford Groups.
~ April 26th: German Planes bomb Guernica, Spain.
~ May 28th: Neville Chamberlain forms government in Britain and favors a policy of appeasement of Hitler.
~ July 7th: Japan invade and capture Shanghai and Peking, China.
~ USA: The  federal government purchases Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Missouri.
~ 1938 AD, USA: My family moves to a rented two bedroom apartment, The only children are Gerry and I. We had just lived in a couple of rooms in Detroit.
~ USA: The National Park Service took over the Shenandoah National Park.
~ USA: My mother and father lived in a upper flat in Warren, Michigan when I was born this year and I spent my first weeks there.
~ The Road to Wigan Pier, a study by George Orwell was published this year.
~ to 1941, California,USA: Joshua Tree townsite company set up offices along the 29 Palms road close the western entrance to Joshua Tree National Monument. By 1914 J.T. had a population of 49 housed in 22 buildings.
~ USA: The UAW organized the first Aircraft Workers local.
~ USA: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument was established.
~ USA: Extraordinary rain and snow fell in northeastern California.
~ Japanese invaded China.
~ USA: September Song and You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby were popular songs. What is "Teruel?"
~ USA: Sisquoc Condor Sanctuary was establish within the San Rafael Wilderness, a 1,200 acre refuge within the Los Padres National Forest.
~ Massive floods on the Ohio River and 500,000 persons left homeless.
~ JRR Tolkien gave  The Hobbit to the world. 
~ Northern hemisphere glaciers advanced. Spitsbergen Ice cap and Kutiah glacier in northern India are examples.
~ India and around: Kanji Swami was a Jainism teacher at this time. He brought light to a largely forgotten form of Jainism.



1938 AD: On March 13th Germany invaded and annexed Austria.

~ Alfred Korzybski founded the Institute of General Semantics. 
~ to 1942 AD, USA: We lived at 8448 St clements in Van Dyke, Michigan. My sister Geraldine was born during this time.
~ September, USA: Avery powerful hurricane struck New England.This hurricane put downtown Providence Rhode Island under ten feet of ocean. Huge breakers so shook the Earth that they were picked up on an alaskan seismograph.
~ November, USA: The CIO split from the A F of L.

1939 AD, January 26th: Nationlists under General Franco captured Barcelona
~ March 10th: Germany annexed Czechoslovakia.
~ March 13th: Germany invaded akia.nd annexed Austria.
~ September: The Munich Pact was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Eduard Daladier of France. Germany gained Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
~ September 29th: R. R. Woodham was born and at this writing is very much alive in the ever great state of Mississippi.
~ November: The CIO split from the AFL.
~ Japanese installed a Chinese puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, and took Canton and Hankow.
~ William Faulkner's The Vanquished was published.
~ Russel Crouse and Howard Linsay, the play, "Life With Father."
~ Robert Graves' The Long Weekend" published.
~ Adolf Hitler's Mien Kampf  complete English Translation published.
~ George S. Kaufman, Moss Hart, "The Man  Who Came to Dinner" played.
~ Two of John Dewey's books were published, Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Education.
~ Frank Lloyd Wright built Taliesin West in Phoenix, Arizona.
~ The film "Pygmalion" was shown (Leslie Howard).
~ This year, Hitler annexed Austria beginning expansion into neighboring countries, leading to the eventual invasion of Poland and to WWII in Europe.
~ Franz Boas published General Anthropology.
~ John Dewey publishes Logic: The theory of Inquiry and Experience  an Education.
~ US: 40 hour work week established.
~ US: Average wage wage per Year is $1720.
~ Alfred Korzybski founded the Institute of General Semantics.
~ US: A hurricane put Providence, Rhode Island under ten feet of ocean. Huge breakers so shook the earth that they were picked up on an Alaskan seismograph. 
~ US: Eddie Arcaro rode his first Kentucky Derby winner, Lawrin. 
~ US: California Rose Bowl  football game against Alabama 13-0.
~ US: Top pop song, "A Tisket a Tasket."
~ US, December 30th: Gerry Hook born Geraldine Sheehan.
~ US: Other popular songs: God Bless America, Three Little Fishes Swam Over the Dam, Over the Rainbow, Beer Barrel Polka, I'll Never Smile Again.
US, December 30th: My sister Gerry Hook was Born Geraldine Sheehan in Detroit, Michigan.
~ US: President Roosevelt appointed william O. Douglass and Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court.
~ England: Women and children were first evacuated from London.
~ WWII is extent.
~ Pan American Airways began regularly scheduled flights between US and Europe on "Dixie Clipper."`
~ Frank Buchman re-forms the Oxford Group as Moral Re-armament.
~ Turkey: An earthquake kills about 45.000 persons.
~ England: An Anglo-Saxon burial ship is excavated at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk.
~ US: Coal strike by United Mineworkers demonstrates power of the union and of John L. Lewis.
~ US: The Supreme  Court rules sit-down strikes illegal.
~ James Joyce, Finnigan's Wake published.
~ Richard Llewellyn, How Green Was My Valley published.
~ W. B. Yeats, Irish Poet, died.
~ Heywood Broun US journalist died.
~ Serge Chakotin, The Rape of the Masses published. 
~ John Dewey, Freedom and Culture published.
~ "Roll Out the Barrel" was being sung in England.
~ Picasso shows "Night Fishing at Antibes.
~ Joliet Curie demonstrates possibility of splitting the atom.
~ Igor Sikorsky (Russ-Amer) constructed the first helicopter.
~ Japanese installed a puppet government in Nanking, withdrew from the League of Nations, took Canton andHankow.
~ US: Giant cyclotron built at the University of California at Berkeley for producing Mestrons from the atomic nuclei. The term mestron as not bee used much lately.
~ The Unvanquished published by William Faulkner.
~ US: Popular songs are: You Are My Sunshine, How High the Moon, The Last Time I saw Paris, When You Wish Upon a Star, It's a Big Wide Wonderful World, South of the Border, Blueberry Hill, Woodpecker Song, You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby(just look at you know), Flat Foot Floogie(floozy)With a Floy Floy, A Tisket a Tasket( a red and yellow basket.
~ Average cost of a new house was $3,700.00 USD.
~ June: The Marshall Plan was instituted. It was the US European Recovery Program, the softer underside of US of U.S. foreign policy. This program for  rebuilding Europe was funded from 1948 to 1952. One purpose for it was to limit communist expansion.
~ October 1st: Mao Zedong proclaimed the Peoples Republic of china. Chaing Kai-shek and about 2 million Chinese retreated from mainland China to the Island of Taiwan.
~ Benny Goodman's band brought  new style of Jazz to popularity.
~ The cost of gas for cars was just about 10 cents a gallon(no cent sign available).
~ General Anthropology by Franz Boas was published.
~ Germany invades Poland.
~ France and England declare war on Germany.
~ USA: The 60 inch cyclotron was working at the University of  California at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley, California.
~ January 7th, USA: On this date A F of L organizer Tom Mooney was freed from prison in California. Life can be hard on new leaders.
~ June 5th: USA: The Communication Workers of America was founded.


Monday, November 22, 2021

2002 AD to 2011 AD

 2002 AD to 2011 AD

2003 AD: US war on terror in Afghanistan,  and in Iran. 

~ Invasion of Iraq.


2004 AD: US war on terror in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Pakistan, and Yemen.

~ to present: US wars in North-West Pakistan. Major use of drones. This was Pakistan against Pakistan, al]qaeda,Laskar-e-Jhangvi, Turkistan Islamic Party, Tehreek-e-Shar Mohammadi.

2005 Ad: "War on terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen. 

2006 AD, Ethiopia: US backed invasion.
~ War on "terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen.

2007 AD to present: US war in Somalia fought in Somalia and Northeastern Kenya. US is aided by Somalia, United Kingdom, Kenya, Ethiopia, and AMISM. Against Al-Shabaab, Hizbul Islam, perhaps supported by Darsh and Eritrea.
~ War on persons in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen.

2008 AD: War on persons in afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen. Trying to kill suspected ''terrorists.

2009 AD to 2016 AD: Operation  Ocean Shield in the Indian Ocean. NATO, US. Malaysia, Norway, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, South Korea, and India VS Somali pirates. The results included victory for NATO allies, attacks have decreased, but attacks still occur near the coast waters of Oman, Yemen, Kenya, and Somalia. The office of Naval Intelligence has officially reported that in 2013 only nine incidence of piracy were reported and that none of them were successful. Piracy dropped 90%.
~ to 2016 and beyond: US war on "Terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen.

2011 AD: Withdrawal of U. S. forces from Iraq.

~ American-led Intervention in Libya as part of the Libyan Crisis in Libya. In the conflict NATO, US, UK, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France and Greece faced Libya. Results included victory by NATO and allies, Overthrow of Gaddafi government and death of Muammar Gaddafi; Assumption of interim control by the National Transitional Council, NTC; Diplomatic recognition of NTC as sole governing authority for Liby by105 countries, UN, EU, AI,and AU.Post-civil war violence in Libya, leading to the ongoing war in 2014.

~ US conflict in Libya during Libya Civil War.

2011 AD: Withdrawal of U. S. forces