Showing posts with label terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terror. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021

2002 AD to 2011 AD

 2002 AD to 2011 AD

2003 AD: US war on terror in Afghanistan,  and in Iran. 

~ Invasion of Iraq.


2004 AD: US war on terror in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Pakistan, and Yemen.

~ to present: US wars in North-West Pakistan. Major use of drones. This was Pakistan against Pakistan, al]qaeda,Laskar-e-Jhangvi, Turkistan Islamic Party, Tehreek-e-Shar Mohammadi.

2005 Ad: "War on terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen. 

2006 AD, Ethiopia: US backed invasion.
~ War on "terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen.

2007 AD to present: US war in Somalia fought in Somalia and Northeastern Kenya. US is aided by Somalia, United Kingdom, Kenya, Ethiopia, and AMISM. Against Al-Shabaab, Hizbul Islam, perhaps supported by Darsh and Eritrea.
~ War on persons in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen.

2008 AD: War on persons in afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen. Trying to kill suspected ''terrorists.

2009 AD to 2016 AD: Operation  Ocean Shield in the Indian Ocean. NATO, US. Malaysia, Norway, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, South Korea, and India VS Somali pirates. The results included victory for NATO allies, attacks have decreased, but attacks still occur near the coast waters of Oman, Yemen, Kenya, and Somalia. The office of Naval Intelligence has officially reported that in 2013 only nine incidence of piracy were reported and that none of them were successful. Piracy dropped 90%.
~ to 2016 and beyond: US war on "Terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen.

2011 AD: Withdrawal of U. S. forces from Iraq.

~ American-led Intervention in Libya as part of the Libyan Crisis in Libya. In the conflict NATO, US, UK, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France and Greece faced Libya. Results included victory by NATO and allies, Overthrow of Gaddafi government and death of Muammar Gaddafi; Assumption of interim control by the National Transitional Council, NTC; Diplomatic recognition of NTC as sole governing authority for Liby by105 countries, UN, EU, AI,and AU.Post-civil war violence in Libya, leading to the ongoing war in 2014.

~ US conflict in Libya during Libya Civil War.

2011 AD: Withdrawal of U. S. forces