Showing posts with label lFrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lFrance. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2022

2011 AD to 2020 AD

2011 AD to 2020 AD 



2011 AD to 2917 AD:Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency in Uganda with the US, Uganda, DR Congo, Central Africa Republic, and South Sudan against Lord's Resistance Army resulting in a partial victory. LRA members shrink to about 100 members down from but 3,000; Surrender of senior leaders like dominic Ongwen to US troops; the US ends the hunt for LRA leader Joseph Kony, believing that he and the LRA no longer posed a significant security risk to Uganda.

2012 AD, December 23rd: Marked an end to the Mayan Calendar.

2014 AD to 2017 AD Iraqi Civil War.
~ Return of US forces to Iraq to control ISIL. American Intervention in Iraq as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the Iraq Civil War, the Spillover of the Syrian Civil War, and the international ISIS campaign in Iraq. It was the US, Iraq, Kurdistan, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, Turkey againsts the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, resulting in ''victory.'' The details, as in most killing, are fairly unpleasant, beginning with over 10,000 American airstrikes conducted in Iraq. I wonder how many bombs that was. This is 2023 and Syria and Iraq are far from recovery.
~ Solar cycle 24-25. A fairly regular set of various solar activities significantly affecting our life on Earth!!
~ 2014 and onward: American - led Intervention in Syria. Part od Operation Inherent Resolve, the Syrian Civil War and the International ISIS campaign. The US forces, some Syrian forces, CJTF-OIR forces, mostly Western Europeans fought against ISIS, al-Qaeda. Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia, Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey, Hezbollah, china and Iran had some involvement. Chemical weapons were used. A very nasty disorganization of Syria. We seemed to have been practicing for WWIII.

2015 AD and onward: Yemeni Civil War in Yemen. This does not mean the war is civil. In it the Hadi government fought a Saudi-led Coalition supported by the US, France, and the UK against the Supreme Political Council of Yemen including Houthis and Ahrar al-Najran Supported by Iran, Hezbollah, and North Korea and other more local forces. This resulted much killing and death including a Cholera outbreak in 2016. Seems much of this was already beginning before 2002. This put Iran and the US in a face to face confrontation which both tried to moderate.
~ to 2016 and beyondUS war on ISIL in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Nigeria.

2016 AD: US in Middle East: US Military observed their HIMARS strike that destroyed a building near Hadtha in September of this year.
~ US war in Afghanistan.




2018 AD, populations: Ireland, 4,792,500

Canada, 37,678,800.

Ukraine, 42,346,263.

Colombia, 49,755,700.

France, 67,211,000.

Germany, 82,655,000.

Brazil, 209,020,000.

U.S.A., 327,092,000 individuals.